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Prayer Requests

JCFANS P. • Posted on 6/12/2016 • General

From Sherri Sarna to Sis. Ronna:

Prayer for my nephew Raymond Calloway. He is in isolation ward of the hospital with fluid around his heart. It may be from black mold in his house and He is very very ill.

Edmund K. • Posted on 6/11/2016 • General

Please pray for:
0. Poland, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ,
0. Church in the USA - Matt. 3.12
1. stirring up the ministry to the God for me, my wife Dorothy, our
daughter Ann, our sons Peter and Daniel - ..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24.15
2. God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,working for Edmund, Dorothy, Peter (also God's direction for his life) and Ann( Ann needs husband),
3. God's order in my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses.
Edmund Krzeminski

JCFANS P. • Posted on 6/10/2016 • Death

Please keep Our Faithful Sis. Donna & Family in Prayer. Her Grandmother passed away. Please pray for Comfort, Strength and Salvation

Lutrician J. • Posted on 6/9/2016 • Crisis

Asking the Saints of God to lift Mr. Harry up prayer. He is my co worker. He has been out of work all this week and he was referred to a heart specialist (he had triple bypass surgery about 5 years ago)to see what is going on with him. Obviously it is a concern because he does not know when he will return to work :(

Lutrician J. • Posted on 6/9/2016 • Thanksgiving

Just want to give God praise and thank you for praying for my co-worker. She is doing just fine. Seems like the burden of the stress has been lifted. She is smiling and seems very vibrant.

Roxane H. • Posted on 6/8/2016 • General

Prayer request from Sig Harper

Please pray for Windom Gabron and his family he is on life support, doctors not expecting for him to survive

Felicia W. • Posted on 6/6/2016 • Crisis

Hello Saints, I pray all is well with you and your families, in the name of JESUS. I'm requesting your prayers for my high school friend, Donnella Mitchell -Cater. Donnella is going through treatments for cancer in South Carolina. Thank you for your prayers in advance. God Bless You. Felicia

Sonia C. • Posted on 6/3/2016 • Depression

Please pray for healing from mental illness(schizophrenia) and deliverance from oppression and TMJ(nervous tic). To be able to go to Church, fast, pray, read the bible and serve the Lord, in peace without torment and anxiety or any hindrance , with indubitable direction and to serve the Lord.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 5/31/2016 • General

Please keep Sis. Shareen in Prayer, she's in the hospital with blood clots in her lungs.

Lutrician J. • Posted on 5/31/2016 • General

Please pray for my co-worker Tasha McKnight. She is 5 months pregnant and had an ultrasound which revealed a sac or a cyst, the docs to not know exactly what it is. She has a high risk pregnancy and may also have preclampsia. She will know the results of her issues Friday or Monday latest. Please pray that all is well for Tasha. She is young and seems to have a gentleness about her. Hoping one day she will join the family of Jesus Christ and use her gift to draw others in the family. Amen!