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Prayer Requests

Deleted User • Posted on 4/10/2016 • General

Please pray for our sister in Christ Denise Henderson for safe travel to and from Algeria on Thursday. Lord encamp your angels around about her and give her peace.

Answer to Prayer

Chucky C. • Posted on 4/8/2016 • General

Please pray for my friend Caesar Rodriquez for his mom that is dying and his life, he was cursing Jesus but Ibprayed and told hi about the Lord. He continued to curse Jesus, I told him I havevto leave and told him There is anything for all thibgs. I don't know him past being a neighbor. He began crying and cursing and I told him I would put him and his mom on the prayer list. The doctors tokdbhis mom she would be dead by the 21stbof this month. I told him God was in control. Hebrefuesed to pray andvtold mebhe had killed somebody innhis past. I told him I gotz to go but I willbpray forbyou andbyouf mom. His o loves Jesus and he was raised in a Catholic church. I tried tobexplian but I coukd sense the devil and I had to leave.

Anonymous • Posted on 4/6/2016 • General

Kelley Mosley has stage 4 cancer. Praying for a miracle, and her salvation.

Anonymous • Posted on 4/6/2016 • General

MY name I want to THANK YOU ALL the saint's for praying with me and for me because prayers was answered THANK YOU MUCH, Please continue to lift me up in prayer.also THANK GOD for my granny Sheila,that continue being on her bending knees.
Charlie Davis

JCFANS P. • Posted on 4/5/2016 • General

Prayer Request from Sister Louise:

Please Pray for Jessica Brown sister Lois Jackson who has been placed on a respirator in ICU to receive healing, restoration & salvation.

Deleted User • Posted on 4/5/2016 • General

Please remember to pray our precious sister Lynette and family in the loss of her sister. The service will be April 18th at Jones Mortuary.

Answer to Prayer

Chucky C. • Posted on 4/5/2016 • General

Please pray for my family, My sisters Yolanda, Deborah. My mama sarah, my friend Ed Becker and his wife, my dad, my missing brother Kevin. That my flight be right. Amen.

Karen D. • Posted on 4/4/2016 • General

Continue to pray for April Due that God will work a miracle before her surgery or if it's His will for her to have the surgery we pray that she is covered by the blood and she comes out with everything healed. The surgery will be in May,We are praying in advance.Amen

Karen D. • Posted on 4/4/2016 • General

Please pray for me that I have favor on my job. I want to have favor with my clients and be the best at what I do. I need a break through! Break through!

Felicia W. • Posted on 3/31/2016 • Death

Thank you for your prayers regarding Clifford & Janet, their daughter Allison passed away. Please pray for comfort for their family. I appreciate your prayers.