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Prayer Requests

Karen D. • Posted on 5/11/2020 • General

Pray for Sister Daisy Due who has been going through with stomach cancer. Pray for Pastor Due as well.

Karen D. • Posted on 5/11/2020 • General

Please pray for Victoria who was hit by car and had to have her leg amputated, she had flat lined in surgery. She is the daughtet of Tanya Due and Johnathon. Please keep the family in prayer.

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 5/11/2020 • General

Praise The Lord! Please hold my uncle, Vernon Floyd up in prayer. He was taken to ICU. I don't know what happened, but I know he suffers with neuromuscular disease. Praying for healing and deliverance in Jesus name.

Jcfans .. • Posted on 5/6/2020 • Death

Please pray for Ray and Charity Hudnall family. Their Grandma Gloria passed away yesterday.

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 5/5/2020 • General

Praise The Lord! My cousin Joan in Louisiana suffered a heart attack today. Please lift her up in prayer

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 4/27/2020 • General

Praise The Lord! Please remember my Aunt Leslie. Her cancer has returned and has spread to her brain; her health has taken a rapid decline, and her 3 children are very upset.

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 4/27/2020 • General

Praise The Lord! Please pray for my cousin Cleonia in Georgia she's been diagnosed with COVID-19

Leslie M. • Posted on 4/25/2020 • Petition

Prayer for Nancy (Leslie's cousin and BFF) for masses to go away. Dr. discovered 2 last week after she had to go to Emergency for bleeding. This miracle could be her break-through just like my healing miracle was in 1980 and so many other miracles I have witnessed. Thank you Jesus.

Prayer Answered!

Monday, May 11, 2020: Please continue to pray for Nancy- cancerous mass to be removed.

Tracy B. • Posted on 4/22/2020 • Crisis

Pray for Jen Milani Of Texas for healing over the Virus. She is a detention facility officer who got it while working. Also still pray for Ericka from Colorado over the virus too.

Tracy B. • Posted on 4/21/2020 • Crisis

Pray for Ericka who loves in Colorado. A niece of one of my friends. She has the virus and losing her sight while there also in ICU.