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Prayer Requests

Shareen M. • Posted on 1/25/2019 • General

Please pray for brother Earl Hazly and family he lost his mom yesterday. thanks

Jennifer R. • Posted on 1/25/2019 • Miscellaneous

The salvation, will, and infilling of Jesus toward these by name: Lisa, Jacob, Noah, Alex, David, and Sean. That through their relationship with Jesus they would be benefactors in forgiveness and healed hurts and restored joy. That spiritual strongholds of todayâ?Ts influences would be loosed off of them, the kind that requires fasting and prayer.

Maurice D. • Posted on 1/22/2019 • General

Praise the Lord, Saints,

I connected with our dear Brother Louieâ?Ts oldest son on yesterday. It was a real blessing talking to him even though it came with the sad confirmation that, as was reported some time ago, our beloved brother Louie has indeed passed away. Please lift up his son, whoâ?Ts also known as Louie Aubain, as heâ?Ts going through a tough time.

Barbara C. • Posted on 1/22/2019 • General

Sudden infant death syndrom took the Drummond family precious 5 month old baby girl. Pray for their comfort and a financial blessings for medical and burriel.

Lynette W. • Posted on 1/21/2019 • General

Prayer request from Sis. Lynette:
Please keep My niece Theresa in your PRAYERS ðYTðY¾ She had a stroke Sunday morning. They did a couple of surgeries and she's in critical condition. Thanks.

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 1/20/2019 • General

Praise The Lord! Tim Eaton passed away please pray for his wife and existing family (he didnâ??t have any children).

roxane h. • Posted on 1/16/2019 • General

Please keep Daddy Giles left in prayer having a serious issue with his legs

Lynette W. • Posted on 1/16/2019 • Death

Please keep Prophetess Diane Palmer Family & our Special Pastor Roxane in your Prayers. Pastor Roxane's Special friend and our Sister in Christ whom we all grew to love, Prophetess Diane passed away this morning.

Tracy B. • Posted on 1/16/2019 • Miscellaneous

Pray for my friend Adrienne who is trying to save her home after a broken relationship and for salvation of the Lord.

Barbara C. • Posted on 1/15/2019 • General

Darlene Martin is fighting cancer