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Prayer Requests

shalone p. • Posted on 9/19/2014 • Crisis

Please pray for my family. I was just informed that my niece was just taken against her will to Atlanta to prostitute. When she refused she was robbed and beaten and put out of the car. Please pray for her safe return ad God to deal with the people who did this so they cant hurt anyone else again.

Lutrician J. • Posted on 9/18/2014 • General

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ Saints!

Please pray for me. I get a feeling of sadness,like I want to cry and I lose my motivation to carry out my daily routines, after I witness to people who are in denial, I would say or misled, deceived. Especially the ones I've been knowing before I came to Christ, who are, without a doubt, living a sinful lifestyle because I was a partaker in sin with them and nothing has changed with them. They respond by saying that they are one of God's children and seem to believe that are okay and say to me that what I am saying is basically wrong, although I give them scripture and say as Jesus said to Satan it is written...

Please pray my strength in the Lord so that I overcome these emotions. I know in my heart these emotions are not right, but how do I overcome them? Please uphold me before the Lord and pray with me that He will reveal the answer and strenghten me during trying times. Amen.

I love you all.

Felicia W. • Posted on 9/16/2014 • Crisis

Praise the Lord Saint's,
I would like to request the prayer's of the righteous for my aunt in San Diego CA. Gloria Arnold is in the hospital and the doctors aren't sure what caused her to faint. She is a diabetic and taking new medication. Pray for her salvation and healing. Thank you God Bless

JCFANS P. • Posted on 9/13/2014 • General

Prayer Request Per Sis. Louise:

Sister Sharita is requesting prayer for her son Ejaunn for restoration, deliverance, and clear understanding.

Please pray for increased spiritual strength for Sister Sharita. And a hedge of protection and blessings over her youngest son Zaire.

Marjorie G. • Posted on 9/10/2014 • General

Requesting prayer for my cousin Velma Hill. She stopped swallowing and a feeding tube was inserted today. Thank you.

Toni D. • Posted on 9/10/2014 • Petition

Terri Johnson:
Her father has passed. Pls lift Terri and her mother in prayer. Let this open doors so they can be brought all the way in to the kingdom...

Jcfans .. • Posted on 9/9/2014 • General

Prayer request From Deborah Jackson

Please put andrey burgess on prayer list. She is having a lumpectomy today. (Coach Willis sister)

Anonymous • Posted on 9/6/2014 • General

Dear Prayer Warriors:
Lennie is a young lady who desperately needs a a Kidney. She lost both kidneys in a car accident when she was hit by a drunk driver. She is on dialysis. Please pray that they find the right match asap. Thank you.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 9/4/2014 • General

Prayer Request from Sis. Aretha:

Please pray for my friend 7 month old grandson Kihmari Kyle. His fourth time being admitted to the hospital and they can't find the cause. Please keep him in your prayers. Thank you!

JCFANS P. • Posted on 9/3/2014 • General

Prayer Request from Sis. Lynette:

Please keep my Great nephew in law Elias Dominguez lifted up in Prayer for healing. He was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He lives in New Mexico. Thank you.