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Prayer Requests

Anonymous • Posted on 11/25/2014 • General

Please pray that the ignorant folk will stop destroying their Own community in Ferguson, MO. Also please pray for the family who lost their 12 yr old on this weekend as he was shot by a cop in Cleveland.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 11/23/2014 • Death

Our former member Sis Lori passed away this morning, November 23, 2014. Please keep her children & The Mash Family lifted up in Prayer for comfort and strength in their time of Great loss. Thanks

Lutrician J. • Posted on 11/21/2014 • General

Praise the Lord Saints. I am having issues with my supervisor. Please pray with me and for me that the Lord will guide me as to how to handle the situation and to rid me of my flesh because at times when I encounter opposition with him I get mad and think ugly things about him although true, but I remain humble in his presence. He knows that I am a Christian. He has asked me in his terms to drop a prayer for him and he has ask to borrow Christian saying that I have on my desk and put them on his desk. I can be sitting at my desk and I feel him staring at me. He has stood at my office door and watched me while I was on the phone and said I'm just standing here to see how long it would take you to acknowledge me Shortly before that he came in my office and talked down to me with curse words. He did not call me a bad name or out of my name but he cursed a lot. In the mist of that I was trying to figure out what I did to make him react like that. Yesterday he got mad and basically ordered me to redo something I did back in October for which I am in total compliance with. In my position I am to do certain tasks and he tries to override those tasks to be done his way and not the Air force Way or the way I am instructed to do in my job function.
So please pray for me that I have the right attitude and the Lord help me to make the right decisions and show me if I am at fault with anything because I am thinking about talking to his boss or go to Human resources to let them know what is going on. But I know that will bring about retaliation for sure. So this is why I want to Lord to take control. Because He is a right and just God.

Deleted User • Posted on 11/19/2014 • General

Please pray for Carol Haynes, Michele's Mom. Pray for faith that moves the mountain.

Answer to Prayer

Felicia W. • Posted on 11/18/2014 • Crisis

Please keep Bobby Harris his wife Judy and their family in your prayers. Bobby has a whole in his heart and because of infection the doctors can't operate. Thank you

Felicia W. • Posted on 11/18/2014 • Salvation

Praise the Lord, requesting prayer for Earl Cheatham jr. and family. Salvation, deliverance, peace and safety.

Tyra L. • Posted on 11/14/2014 • General

This is a praise report. My friend with the serious back injury is well. Her surgery went so good that they released her after only one day. They thought she might be there longer recovering.
Thanks for your prayers!!!

Anonymous • Posted on 11/14/2014 • Money

Stepped out on faith my car broke down (engine). So n faith bought one now balloon pymt due. Jehovah Jireh is on post.

nataki f. • Posted on 11/14/2014 • General

Prayer for my sister that god will heal her kids and fine her a place to live for protection for all my family and the body of christ heal all in jesus name

Deleted User • Posted on 11/12/2014 • General

Please continue to pray for Tambi (in ICU) Stephanie, Bambi, Miss Mary, Pleshette and Darrell. Only Jesus can deliver. Pray peace and mercy for the family.

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