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Prayer Requests

Philondria C. • Posted on 8/1/2015 • General

My husband and I are doing a prayer and worship revival for the city of Natchez, Ms. Our names are Michael and Philondria Credit.

Michael C. • Posted on 7/29/2015 • General

Praise the Lord everyone,am asking for prayer for my wife,Lonnie Credit,she is having sharp pains on the right side of her body

Marjorie G. • Posted on 7/28/2015 • General

Please pray for Nikki Jacobs and her job situation. Her company has been bought out by a larger firm and on Friday, she will know if she will be affected.

Nena B. • Posted on 7/28/2015 • General

Please lift up my coworker Claudine who just learned that she has a mass on her kidney. She will be seeing the doctor on 7/29 to find out exactly what type of mass it is. Pray for salvation and healing because we know God is able to heal and deliver.

sathish h. • Posted on 7/26/2015 • General

I am suffering unknoown spiritual disease.please heal me.i am one shows me affection.i want to lead a life like others.cast away all demons controlling me.i unable to work with freedom& interest on even money.i am living like a dead body.i want life.i want to change my self.i want to be healed.please pray for me.

Lillian H. • Posted on 7/24/2015 • General

I know that prayer changes things zI ask for prayer for a medicisl condition that has taken.over I know that many are indeed are praying for my recovery but as my brother Pastor W.c Harper and sister in law Pastot R. Harper are such a Godly force with the church I ask them to also go into to prayer behalf as well. Each time I talk with my brother he makes my faith stronger. I sincerely appreciate all.of your prayers.

Lillian H. • Posted on 7/24/2015 • General

I ask for prayer that I can be healed from the horrible pain.of an.inoperable brain tumor, I also ask for prayer that our families can and will be broughter closer to each other.It is my wish to be put in direct contact with THIS church and its teachings. I live out of state and would like to know if there are any of these churches outside the Ca area. Thanking everyone in advance

Jcfans .. • Posted on 7/22/2015 • General

Prayer request for Diane Rutledge's son Clarence

Prayer request for sister Carnel brothers Arthur and Charles

Marjorie G. • Posted on 7/21/2015 • General

Please lift my nephew, Darrell Walker in prayer. He came to Denver for a business meeting yesterday and ended up having emergency surgery at 3:30a.m. this morning due to a bowel obstruction. Thanking God that his trip was changed to Denver, where he had family to support him.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 7/20/2015 • General

Prayer Request from Sis. Lynette:

Please keep my 90-yr old sister Ann lifted up in Prayer. She's in the Hospital with pneumonia. Had a hard time breathing. She is on a ventilator to help her breathe. Thanks