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Tenise K. • Posted on 1/28/2015 • General

Please pray for my cousin, Aundrey. He has lost his mother, his grand mother, & his dad--all within 1 month.

Lillian H. • Posted on 1/28/2015 • Parenthood

Please pray for my sin Ramon B Williamson who us incarcerated in Grady Arkansas for a murder he did not commit and who has served 9 years of a life without parole sentence an innocent man. I know that His knows that he is innocent. and one day the prison gates will open and my child will walk free. Thisis a mothers prayer Lillian Hollingsworth Mayo

Michele W. • Posted on 1/28/2015 • General

Please continue to pray for my mom, Carol Haynes healing, and that depression does not overtake her spirit

Pray for the relationship between my husband and TJ and for restoration

Pray the Jesus continue to draw my family

Pray for our business and that all of our lawsuits and financial challenges be resolved favorably and soon

Jcfans .. • Posted on 1/27/2015 • General

Continue to pray for complete healing for

Mother Gardner
Carol Haynes
Bro Winfrey

Jcfans .. • Posted on 1/27/2015 • General

Prayer for Barbara Collins in Stockton

Prayer for her and her family as she lost her mother this past weekend

Stephanie J. • Posted on 1/26/2015 • General

Toe nails all of them are very brittle and thickness of toe nails? to heal and feet blurry vision healed.thank you.vitamin E restored to feet meds have my feet this way.thank you.

Stephanie J. • Posted on 1/26/2015 • General

Please pray for the people who have gossiped about me known and unknownly those who also claim christianity ex ushers from Word of Life church in Fort myers Florida under Bishop Gaspar Anastasi I got hurt spiritually emotionally and cried a lot at this church people rolled their eyes I went there 9 years never did nothing to them I pray for my mom they the congregation ignored her the whole 3years she went and serious other issues it was hard to attend church after 9 years I ended up leaving for my mom said one of the ladies rolled their eyes at her.God heal me help me not have unforgiviness in me please... May the powerful blood of Jesus remove the anger and deal with those who completely ignore me when they see me! How do they expect to see God?I pray for their Naples Florida church integrity its called I really ask for prayer for the leadership at both churches. Thank you. My financial needs concerning my home are met.In Jesus Name.I go back to nursing school and march on towards God.Amen.

Anonymous • Posted on 1/26/2015 • General

Please pray for Ly Chan's family. His wife's grandmother just died. Ly is my coworker and a member of JC FANS. THANKS, Gene Wood

Stephanie J. • Posted on 1/22/2015 • General

Hi saints lifting prayer for total healing from crohns disease and all kidney dialysis treatments for friend and my Father Henry Jordan Sr.cancer half liver and one kidney and change both our hearts for Gods purpose not for self purposes. I'm in Fort myers,Florida..praise God for caring about my hurting soul and my family salvation the whole lineage.thank you all for prayers.

Prayer Answered!

Thursday, January 22, 2015: One testimony I'm not on heavy pain killers for crohns disease flares I was IV dilaudid a while back very strong narcotic and I'm more discerning now of the fakeness of most people who told me they were one way but God revealed the real way they felt about me as a christian and my health issues they talked behind my back smiling to my face.Praise God.

Jcfans .. • Posted on 1/21/2015 • General

Please left up Kim Green and her family in Texas