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Prayer Requests

Karen D. • Posted on 3/4/2015 • General

Pray for Jasmine Long that God will heal her and bless her. Pray for Felton Brokter for healing in his body.

Lanece W. • Posted on 3/3/2015 • Crisis

Please pray for Tina Davis she has a disease that has attacked her kidneys the dr's said that she will need a transplant but for now she will need to be on dialysis. Please pray for divine health and healing in her body. Thank you.

Leslie M. • Posted on 3/3/2015 • General

My cousin in So Cal asking for prayer.. Her son Michael is suffering. Michael had an MRI which was normal yet still having headache -pain level is high and he is beginning to become delirious. Sis Leslie

JCFANS P. • Posted on 3/2/2015 • General

Urgent Prayer Request from Sis. Charity:

Pray for my Aunt Jackie. She is suffering from kidney failure right now. She is also getting blood transfusions every other month because her body is not producing red blood cells properly.

Please pray for her healing. Pray God reveals Himself in a way that she can open her heart to Him. Let's please pray that this also helps her family. Once her faith is built in Him, I know she will overcome this disease. Thank you.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 3/2/2015 • General

Urgent Prayer Request from Sis. Karen:

Please pray for 5 year old Soraya Duckworth having complications from heart surgery she has been rushed back to surgery because the Doctor discovered she has blood clots. Pray for a Miracle in Jesus name.

Karen D. • Posted on 3/1/2015 • General

Please pray for Kyaundra Davis the doctors says her brain has tumors and she may have cancer, please pray for healing.

Anonymous • Posted on 2/28/2015 • General

Please pray for my lt knee all cartilage worn out.very painful and painful to walk most of the time or sit with it flexed for more than 30 min.i need healing for allergies as well

Anonymous • Posted on 2/28/2015 • General

Please pray for Min.G.Mc crucial health issues immune system
Blood and longstanding spine problems.

Ly C. • Posted on 2/26/2015 • General

Need prayer request for Belinda Mandin she just found out she has colon cancer. She is a co worker of my wife. Thank you God Bless.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 2/26/2015 • Crisis

Prayer Request from Pastor Roxane:

Pray for Sis Kaye. Her brother Wendell was found dead today, Feb. 26th. Also continue to pray for her brother Frank that is sick. Pray for their peace.