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Linda J. • Posted on 5/5/2016 • General

My Oldest Cleveland who lives in Washington State and is not allowed to see his children due to the court proceedings and the Native American on the Reservations Law. His ex-wife remarried about 6 years ago and her new husband has treated my niece (Tae'lor Johnson) and my nephew (Lil Cleveland Johnson)unfairly. My Brother has not seen his children in 6 years and went through major depression and his kids wants to see him and be with him, but their mother will not allow it. My niece is now 17 1/2 and wants to leave the situation. Please stand in agreement with me that God will move in the situation and allow my Brother to see his children. I also pray that my niece and my nephew who are both going through depression not wanting to be in their mother's home because her new husband does not treat them fairly. My niece ran away last week and returned back home....her mother has taken her phone and we are not able to contact her. I am believing God for a miracle in this situation. Thank you for your prayers.

Karen D. • Posted on 5/5/2016 • General

Continue to pray for all of our families, for healing,finances,and for those in need of salvation.

Karen D. • Posted on 5/5/2016 • General

Continue to pray for April Due,her surgery is towards the end of this month. Praying for healing and that God works a miracle in her body! Miracles in May!

Sandra C. • Posted on 5/4/2016 • General

Please pray for Alfreda as she goes through chemo for breast cancer, that her faith increases as she draws closer to Jesus and l can be a stronger witness while receiving my miracle healing from MS/Multiple Sclerosis.

Toni D. • Posted on 5/4/2016 • Petition

Pls pray for my Mommy, Lydia Hall. She is still looking for Jesus to prove that He is REAL to her. I just found out that she has a surgery scheduled May 10th to have two lumps removed from her breast - drs say they are likely to become cancer because of her history w/colon cancer-but NO CANCER IN HER BODY NOW! Jesus healed her back in 2005 like He said He would, pray that she sees that truth * she sees that Jesus LOVES her and HE IS TRUE AND THE LIVING GOD! Hallelujah!!! A Miracle in May!!!!

Anonymous • Posted on 5/3/2016 • General

Hi, it is Nova. I would like prayer for strength, courage, illumination, discernment and wisdom to battle life's tribulations. Asking for blessings at work and with the perfect partner the Lord has for me.

Lutrician J. • Posted on 5/2/2016 • General

Please lift me up in prayer for protection from the wiles of the adversary. Since my uncle passed on February 13 of this year. I am having issues with my mom which is his sister.

Lutrician J. • Posted on 5/2/2016 • General

Please lift my father up in prayer. On Wednesday morning he is having according to him, a growth removed from his back, but according to his wife, it is a serious surgery. But either way please lift him up.

Prayer Answered!

Monday, May 2, 2016: His name is Ronald James

JCFANS P. • Posted on 5/2/2016 • General

Prayer Request from Bro. Gene:

Please Pray for Terrell Harper for healing.

renuka s. • Posted on 4/30/2016 • General

hello..I am from name is renuka...actually I am facing many problem. ..I am divorced and I want that my husband and son should love and should stay together with me and I feel very depressed and lonely and feel lonely and weak . ..I want to be boss and office staff should be good with me and had a secure job and one of my friend he should cal me daily Lord Jesus.amen