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Prayer Requests

Anonymous • Posted on 8/11/2014 • General

Please pray for deliverance for Sis. Kaye's friend.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/11/2014 • Petition

Please pray for Keon as he undergo surgery. We are asking that Jesus guides the surgeon's hands, and bestow on him a quick and miraculous recovery.

Mary B. • Posted on 8/10/2014 • Death

Please lift up ALL our BLACK YOUTH, particularly our YOUNG MEN, and the POLICE. Police gunned down an 18 yr. old unarmed young man, shooting him approx. 9 times. His body lay in the street. He had just graduated from high school and was starting business college on Monday. Please pray for his family and the community as we peacefully seek answers

Anonymous • Posted on 8/9/2014 • Praise

God, through the Power of the Holy Ghost blessed Pastor Harper to speak on the Holy Ghost. One dear sister (a regular am prayer line supporter)received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues and others are desiring to receive HIM! Praise God!

Anonymous • Posted on 8/8/2014 • Salvation

Pray for the young lady from St. Louis who was on the am Prayer line on Wed, Aug 6, who wanted to be Saved. ( I think her name was Tanisha). Pray that She gets filled with the HOLY GHOST with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues. Also pray that God will give her a Pastor after God's own heart which will feed her with knowledge and understanding.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/8/2014 • Salvation

Angela from Charlotte wants to receive the Holy Ghost with the evidence of Speaking in Tongues.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/8/2014 • Praise

I am thanking God for all that he is about to do. I am thanking Him for Salvation, not only for my house but worldwide. I am thanking him for opening all the right doors in My family's life. Divine protection for my house (the children & babies)and others worldwide. I thank Him that all of My needs and those of my household are met in Jesus Name!

Mary B. • Posted on 8/8/2014 • Crisis

Please pray for Helen in NY for healing.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/8/2014 • Crisis

Please Pray for baby Anastasia's miraculous healing and recovery. note ****Please add healing to your prayer category. Thank you

Tyra L. • Posted on 8/8/2014 • General

This is Tyra.
Please pray for Zaydee Lopez, she is a little girl who is betting cancer.

Prayer Answered!

Friday, August 8, 2014: She is battling cancer