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Prayer Requests

Tracy B. • Posted on 2/27/2018 • Crisis

Pray for my back pain relief. Having trouble getting out of bed for a week without struggle. And pray for my children that God will turn things around for restoration of my family. That pain is worse than all but He only can fix this.

Leslie M. • Posted on 2/23/2018 • Crisis

Praise Report! I attempted to post this prayer request yesterday but already got good report that co-worker Alan Chow was found after missing in Yosemite Nat'l Park. Went hiking last Friday, Didn't come to work on Tues AM and they just found him 11am Friday. Pray he accepts that prayer changes things!

JCFANS P. • Posted on 2/23/2018 • Death

Special Prayer Request from Sis. Tenise:

Prayer for the Mitchell family. Shareen's brother, Damon, passed away Thursday, February 22nd.

Karen D. • Posted on 2/22/2018 • General

Pray for my Stephani she is down with that flu, praying for healing and for the family.

Tracy B. • Posted on 2/22/2018 • Crisis

Pray for friend Ann Parker. Having cancer related surgery 2/24 and hoping it isnâ??t coming backð??ð?¼

Prayer Answered!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018: She is out of her recovery bed and out and about as of today. Thank you all for your prayers.

Tracy B. • Posted on 2/22/2018 • Crisis

Shirley Taylor,my friend had cancer surgery and requesting prayer for complete recovery

Chucky C. • Posted on 2/21/2018 • General

Please keep me, my family, Mika, Bill Duke and my friend Darren Elky in your prayers.
Thank you. God Bless you all.

Tenise K. • Posted on 2/20/2018 • Crisis

Mika is being sent home to Hospice...lost a lot of weight. Doctors say the cancer has spread, kidney, liver etc...nothing else they can do.
But WE can PRAY--for Deb, my dad, Mika, & Mika's daughter.

Karen D. • Posted on 2/17/2018 • General

Sister Deanna passed on Friday night, keep her family in prayer.

G J. • Posted on 2/17/2018 • General

Please pray for my coworker Trevor. He has cancer in his neck. Needs salvation and healing. Eldr Gene