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Prayer Requests

JCFANS P. • Posted on 6/14/2018 • General

Prayer Request from Sis. Karen..

Keep my brother Darrnell Thomas In Prayer, they're admitting him back in the hospital because infection is spreading to his hand and shoulder. They said the antibiotics aren't working fast enough.

Thanks in advance

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 6/13/2018 • General

Praise The Lord! Please pray for my Uncle Mike. He underwent surgery for a shattered pelvis. Heâ??s in a great deal of pain. Please pray for continued comfort and a full recovery from this injury in Jesus name. Please also pray for traveling mercies upon my mom & dad (Hazel & Bill) as they are visiting him in Alabama.

Tracy B. • Posted on 6/13/2018 • Crisis

My neighbor informed me she has cancer. Please pray for her healing.

Carol M. • Posted on 6/12/2018 • General

Please pray for the Bailey family. The daughter of Donny and Vanessa was killed in a horrible car crash yesterday. Pray for peace, comfort and deliverance. The family is devastated.

Lewis J. • Posted on 6/11/2018 • General

I need prayer for GERD, tinnitus, eustachian tube dysfunction, high blood pressure and GOD'S GRACE on my esophagus despite the enemies out assault on it. Thanks for your prayers, energy, effort, time and concern.

Barbara C. • Posted on 6/11/2018 • General

Dr's fear cancer has returned to Melynda's body.She is in the midst of testing.

Maurice D. • Posted on 6/11/2018 • Crisis

Pray for Kimball family: SALVATION & HEALING
Mom was hospitalized worrying about Dad, who is in critical care (heart and possible brain issues). Was coma induced but he is now awake and asking for his wife. :) Daughter asked specifically for his salvation; pls pray for ALL of them, in JESUS name!
Thank you!

Jcfans .. • Posted on 6/7/2018 • General

Praying for children worldwide, praying for parents to be awakened to the subtle devices the enemy uses against our children to steal, kill and destroy.
Praying for our government, and praying for Israel.

Chucky C. • Posted on 6/5/2018 • General

Please pray for my family and special prayers for Debbie, Carlitha, Tonija, Derrick who is still missing in action. Also for me, God already knows my needs and desires. Extra prayers for my Mama and Reggie.Thank you very much!
God Bless!

Karen D. • Posted on 6/4/2018 • General

Please pray for April will be getting induced on the 6th of June the baby has not come yet so keep her in your prayers and keep baby in in your prayers keep us all in prayer in Jesus name