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Prayer Requests

Roxane H. • Posted on 7/19/2018 • General

Please pray for Sig friend ..she is a young lady
Stephanie Coleman is still in ICU at UCLA Harbor General now diagnosed with congestive heart failure. The last two days have not been good ones and she really needs our prayers. Today she was put on Oxygen as its hard for her to breathe on her own. Heart is being slow to respond to treatment to prepare her for surgery to remove tumor still causing this.

also continue to pray for baby Geisel and her parents Lamar and Brittney ..she had surgery last night

JCFANS P. • Posted on 7/18/2018 • General

Urgent Prayer from Pastor Roxane:

911. Please help me pray for Whitneys friend Brittany in LA. The baby Gisele leaned on a screen and fell from 2nd story window. I just sent Kayla and Sig to the hospital to pray

Karen D. • Posted on 7/18/2018 • Money

Pray for the Bellard family

Karen D. • Posted on 7/18/2018 • Marriage

pray for Eugene and Stephani

Karen D. • Posted on 7/17/2018 • General

I am praying for the brother on my job who needs help being disrespectful to women and talking to women any kind of way. Cause he needs prayer too and deliverance.

Karen D. • Posted on 7/16/2018 • General

Co Worker Kimberly El diagnosed with uterine cancer and is going through chemo, keep her in prayer, Also Sister Darlena (Elder Erwin's daughter) diagnosed with breast cancer keep her in prayer.

Chucky C. • Posted on 7/12/2018 • General

Please pray for me and my Martial Arts Instructor Julius Baker Jr. He has Kidney Stones. As for me my Land Lord Continuously giving me 3 day notuces of owing him $1,580.00
I which my records proves that I don't owe him! Also please keep my family in your prayers!Thank You All!!!

Tracy B. • Posted on 7/11/2018 • Death

Gail Jordonâ??s mother passed and she thanks us for your prayers -she is leaving to go to Trinidad for funeral and requests prayer for strength thru this period.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 7/10/2018 • General

Prayer Request From Sis. Toni:

Please lift Rivers family in prayer!
Pray for God to fill them with His Spirit til they overflow! Pray for God's direction and wisdom as they are making life-changing decisions! In Jesus Name -Amen!

Karen T. • Posted on 7/10/2018 • General

Tammy Ross stage four lung cancer, spreading rapidly