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Prayer Requests

Marjorie G. • Posted on 4/11/2018 • General

My nephew Herman lost his mother in law last night. Please lift his wifeĆ¢??s family in prayer.

Alyce A. • Posted on 4/8/2018 • Death

Please pray for healing and comfort for my family. My cousins-in-love, Sammy & his wife, Sarah went to Detroit to bury Sarah's sister and got in a bad accident. A truck hit them. Sammy was killed and Sarah's in the hospital. Pray especially for the Foster Family who lost a son, brother, and uncle.

Karen D. • Posted on 4/6/2018 • General

continue to pray for April Due she is 8 months now. Pray for baby too.

Barbara C. • Posted on 4/6/2018 • Praise

I've been boarderline diabetic for 3 yrs. Lab tests reveal I am back in normal range. Hallelujah!

donna m. • Posted on 4/5/2018 • General


Can you please add my dad to the prayer requests for the week he is going to have some tests this weekend

Karen D. • Posted on 4/5/2018 • General

asking for prayer for healing my right hand and arm flared back up with pain and swelling.

Felicia W. • Posted on 4/4/2018 • Crisis

Hello Saint's, Requesting your prayers
From Seattle WA,for Nina's Grandchildren's Mother Samunique. Sam's grandfather is in the hospital in critical condition in Seattle Washington. Praying for salvation, healing and deliverance. Thank you

Barbara C. • Posted on 4/3/2018 • General

Yolanda needs favor as she looks for a place to live with bad credit.

Chucky C. • Posted on 3/30/2018 • Money

Please pray for me, I need a better living situation. My landlords are trying to rip me off. This has been going on for years. It has been difficult to keep up. I have my receipts but she didn't look at them. Well God has a plan. He has the final say. That's why we pray. Amen.

Barbara C. • Posted on 3/30/2018 • General

Barbara Martinez asking for healing, and employment.