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Prayer Requests

Tracy B. • Posted on 9/24/2019 • Death

Pray for Bryant family in the passing of their mother Cece. Funeral is this Friday.

Prayer Answered!

Monday, September 30, 2019: Thank you for praying and for traveling grace.

kimberly P. • Posted on 9/10/2019 • Crisis

My dad need's a new kidney lord please provide one. Heal my dad's heart. Help my kidney be a match for my dad. Help my dad live a long life in Jesus name amen.

Tracy B. • Posted on 9/9/2019 • Death

Pray for the Banks Family. Passing of the Patriarch and Matriarch within two weeks of another.

Prayer Answered!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019: The family thanks you and asked for continued prayer

Jennifer R. • Posted on 8/27/2019 • General

Diamonte, Karlita, Marcus, Tracy and her family, Mother Stevenson and her husband, Karen and her family, Barbara C., Martin and his wife, Leslie

Tracy B. • Posted on 8/26/2019 • General

Pray for the McCall,Ivey and Pete families.

Tracy B. • Posted on 8/11/2019 • General

Pray for Camille Pete. Been dealing with long term health issues that she need the Lord’s intervention. Also keep praying for a move in my family toward healing.

Maurice D. • Posted on 8/6/2019 • General

Request from Caleb:

Please pray for my friend Aaron and his Mom. The Doctors are unsure what's going on, but their Mom has been in and out of hospitals recently and is feeling very faint along with other strange symptoms. Aaron is suffering from anxiety attacks, chest pains, and heart palpitations. Please pray that God would remove any spirit of fear that is trying to come against their family and that God would cover them in his peace, healing, and comfort in Jesus name.
Thank you and God Bless!

Lynette W. • Posted on 7/23/2019 • Death

Prayer Request from Sis. Alyce..

.My cousin, Stephen passed away around 11:30 a.m. today from stage 4 cancer and pneumonia. Please pray for healing and deliverance for the Stovall, Harris and McAlister families. Stephen was only 27 years old.
Thank you.
Love you all.

Lynette W. • Posted on 7/22/2019 • General

Please keep Sis. Alyce cousin Steven in Prayer for Healing & Salvation.

Prayer Answered!

Monday, July 22, 2019: Sis. Alyce cousin passed away today. Please keep the family lifted up in Prayer...Thanks

Lynette W. • Posted on 7/21/2019 • Death

Prayer Request from Sis. Lynette

Please keep my brother Lawrence & Family in prayer, his 16-yr. old granddaughter got shot and die Saturday night at a friends birthday party in Mississippi. She was an innocent bystander.

This is one of my brothers that Pastors a church in Mississippi. His 23 yr. old grandson got shot & killed in March in St. Louis. Please keep our family lifted up in prayer. Thanks.

Psalms 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Prayer Answered!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019: Please pray that they find the person & weapon that killed her. Thanks