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Jeanette R. • Posted on 12/2/2016 • General

Please pray for my son Nickolas. He has a court date December 6. That Gods grace and mercies will be on the whole situation. Also that Nickolas relationship with God grows closer.

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 12/1/2016 • General

Praise the Lord Saints. Please pray for healing in my dads body; Bill Boykin. He has congestive heart failure.

And pray for healing for my mom also, Hazel Boykin; who has been suffering pain and discomfort in her body.

Chucky C. • Posted on 11/30/2016 • General

Please pray that I get to reconnect with my friend director Antoine Fuqua and get to have lunch with him and have positive results towards my movie carreer. Thank You Altowar your prayers!

Roxane H. • Posted on 11/30/2016 • General

Please pray for Alysha who has just started chemo therapy. Pray for her peace and healing.

Chucky C. • Posted on 11/29/2016 • General

Please pray that I reconnect with my ex girlfriend Luiesa Reviera and my son. They live in Puerto Rico. Also pray that I am able to get a nice home near the best place for my carreer to flurish. Please keep me and my entire family in your prayers. Thank you all. Happy Holidays.

Chucky C. • Posted on 11/29/2016 • General

Please agree with me in prayer that I am reconnected with my son with my ex Luiesa Reviera who moved to back to Puerto Rico before I got to see the baby. Also pray that I am able get settled in a 2 bedroom home in the place God has for me. Lord bless me to be blessed indeed throughout my life. Thank you for your prayers. Please keep my entire family in prayer.

Karen D. • Posted on 11/27/2016 • General

Please pray for Elder Felton Brookter he is at Stanford. His surgery did not go well. He had spinal surgery, now he is feeling numbness in right arm and some numbness in his body. Family is at hotel because owner sold place. They are really growing through please pray for them.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 11/23/2016 • General

Please keep Bro. Rob in Prayer for Healing & receiving the Holy Ghost.

Edmund K. • Posted on 11/19/2016 • General

Please pray to overcome for:
0. Poland, freedom from religion to God through Jesus Christ,
0. Church in the USA - Matt. 3.12
1. stirring up the ministry to the God for me, my wife Dorothy, our
daughter Ann, our sons Peter and Daniel - ..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24.15
2. God's will and wisdom for me and my family; specially for learning in school for Daniel,working for Edmund, Dorothy, Peter (also God's direction for his life) and Ann( Ann needs husband),
3. God's order in my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses.
Thank God for the continuation of my work.
Edmund Krzeminski

Chucky C. • Posted on 11/17/2016 • General

Please agree me in prayer that I get a two bedroom house that I can afford without strife. Also please keep me and my family in your prayers and I have finacial freedom. I also need car repairs. Thank you all and God bless You All.