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Prayer Requests

Damien J. • Posted on 2/15/2016 • General

How is Denise progressing now?

Toni D. • Posted on 2/15/2016 • Crisis

Saints please now for Denise. We are on the line even now lifting her up in hospital as she is in critical condition

Sheila B. • Posted on 2/9/2016 • General

Please pray for Angelic Henson that loss HER DAD on Friday morning please Pray for strength for the family

Karen T. • Posted on 2/9/2016 • General

Hasan Sims and the a Sims/Cole family Hasan's uncle passed 2/9/16
Sharrell Smith Mathis and the Smith family Sharrell's father passed on 2/8/16

Sheila B. • Posted on 2/6/2016 • General

Hello family, please lift me up in prayer that GOD take the desire to smoke cigarettes away from my mouth, and please lift my grandson Charlie up HE is 17yrs of age and have an VERY BAD attitude at time's pray for Tomico his mother ALSO, MY entire family THANK YOU for your support and prays please? ! Don't stop the prayers lines and BIBLE studying is so anointing to myears SPIRIT, Yesssssssszzzzzzzzz I LOVE IT! !!!

Michele W. • Posted on 2/2/2016 • General

Please pray for Ariel. She has not been feeling well and will undergo some testing at the doctors on Wednesday. Pray that all is well and that her healing is done in Jesus Name.

Chucky C. • Posted on 2/2/2016 • General

Please keep me and my family in prayer. I tried to get on the prayer line using the usual code but it did not connect.

ossie t. • Posted on 2/2/2016 • Education

Hello Pastor, this is Ossie and I have been on the line since we last spoke however the number 530-881-1212 with the ID 112-743-727 is no longer working. Pary for me to have a strong sense of myself with boundaries Pastoring!

Lutrician J. • Posted on 2/1/2016 • General

Good Morning!
Please uphold me before the Lord Jesus in prayer. Almost a year ago the docs wanted to give me a blood transfusion because I was an extreme anemic. I refused and tried natural remedies along with believing God will heal me. My hemoglobin level was a 6 when it should be 12 minimum for women. Since then, the highest I've gotten was a 10.6. I have a follow up on Feb 10 to see where I am. Please pray with me for the healing of my uterine fibroids which is the cause of my anemia. I am believing the Lord will dissolve them.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 1/31/2016 • Death

Please keep Sis. Karen & Family in Prayer, her mother passed away this morning.
Please Pray for comfort & strength in their time of great loss. Thanks..