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Prayer Requests

Jcfans .. • Posted on 1/6/2015 • General

Prayer request from little Marcus Harper

He is asking for salvation for his 2 friends Joey & Scott

Karen T. • Posted on 1/5/2015 • Salvation

Asking for prayer for the Turner/Thomas Family for comfort in the passing of their Brother Stanley Turner
The Smith Family passing of their Mother/Grandmother of my niece Sharrell comfort and Salvation
Prayer for Shantayia Hill passing of her Mother Comfort and Strength
Thank You very much

JCFANS P. • Posted on 1/3/2015 • General

Prayer Request from Mother Sarah:

Please keep my daughter Carlitha Gordon in Prayer for healing & deliverance. Thank you

patricia p. • Posted on 1/2/2015 • Career

My name is Nova and I would like prayer that I be blessed with a permenant employment. I was recently laid off and am currently freelancing as a TV journalist. I don't know what path the Lord may have for may but I pray I am aware and not miss his blessings. Thank you and God bless. Nova

Toni D. • Posted on 1/2/2015 • General

Pray for my dad who is scheduled to have a biopsy/surgery on Jan 15th. a nodule is present on his thyroid

Prayer Answered!

Friday, January 2, 2015: Thanks for your continued prayers for his salvation - he recognizes and said out loud that Maurice and I have the real Holy Ghost and true faith in Jesus!! All GLORY to Jesus! Pray for his complete deliverance

JCFANS P. • Posted on 1/1/2015 • Crisis

Special Prayer Request From Mother Sarah:

Please keep Mother Sarah's granddaughter Toija in Prayer. She had a liver transplant surgery many years ago and it is rejecting. She's losing her strength. Please Pray for her healing. Thank you.

Sharon M. • Posted on 12/31/2014 • General

Praise The Lord. Is the fast journal going to be posted online? I also want to thank God for JC Fans and my Mt.Olive family for all their prayers. I'm Grateful to have participated in the uplifting, encouraging, and strengthing prayer this year with JC Fans and all the saints of God. Please pray for the entire body of Christ as we endeavor to do the Lord's will in 2015. Let's go higher and Turn it up with more Love, Power, Praise, Prayer, Fasting, and Submission to God! Hallelujah.

Deleted User • Posted on 12/30/2014 • General

Pray for the Curry family. They lost their Aunt Janice in Chicago today. Pray for their comfort and peace. Also pray for deliverance and salvation for the entire family.

Answer to Prayer

Deleted User • Posted on 12/29/2014 • General

Pray for Michele's mother Carol Haynes for a miracle of healing and total deliverance.

Answer to Prayer

Deleted User • Posted on 12/29/2014 • General

Please pray for Donna's daughter and son, Chris and Angie. Pray for healing and salvation.

Answer to Prayer