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Prayer Requests

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 10/8/2018 • General

Praise The Lord! Please keep my cousin Aleece in prayer. She was in a car accident Friday and has lost her sight. I am praying that her sight be restored, fractures be mended, and swelling decreases in Jesus name.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 10/3/2018 • General

Prayer request from Brittany (Wood) Nkunku
Please keep my friend's daughter Makena in your prayers ð??ð?¼ she's been throwing up for the last couple days and won't eat, and they don't know what's wrong. Thanks ð???

JCFANS P. • Posted on 10/2/2018 • General

Prayer request from Sis. Lynette:

Saints PLEASE keep my brother Tommie in your PRAYERS. ð??ð?¾ Heâ??s bleeding and they donâ??t know where heâ??s bleeding from. His blood count is going down. Thanks

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Roxane H. • Posted on 9/28/2018 • General

Prayer for Jalqua Collins he is on a coma at Kaiser hospital

Prayer Answered!

Saturday, September 29, 2018: Please pray for the family and friends of Mr Collins he did not make it out of his coma 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Tracy B. • Posted on 9/27/2018 • General

Pray for Ten year Old Dario who still needs healing in his mind over the breakup of his family. Also neighbor Tonya who had her surgery but still cancer cells in her upper body. Continue to pray for my mom and my children for restoration and for me to hear Godâ??s will in this.

Prayer Answered!

Friday, October 12, 2018: He is home now and needs continued prayer for told his family isnâ??t providing the home support needed to keep him encouraged. His uncle thanks us for praying for him and his needs. ð??ð?½

LaVita H. • Posted on 9/26/2018 • General

I need prayer for myself. Been in and out of the hospital and the doctors tell me nothing is wrong, yet I am in constant pain. Have been for 15 years now. I am 39. I just want some relief.

Karen D. • Posted on 9/26/2018 • General

Pray for Becky my co workers sister who has lymphoma

JCFANS P. • Posted on 9/22/2018 • General

Prayer request from Sis. Michele


Would you all please join in with me and pray and intercede for Ariel. She has a serious skin condition called Erythema Multiforme. It has caused her to have an outbreak all over her body. The condition is not contagious, but she is miserable and fighting off depression. She is hardly able to speak or eat because her mouth has also been affected.
There is no cure, but we know that Jesus is our Healer. Please please pray for her. We need a miracle!

Thank you all for your prayers. We love you all.
The Watts and Stevenson Families

Deborah M. • Posted on 9/20/2018 • General

Please pray for my friends for healing, CherieLyn that had surgery and is undergoing radiation therapy for breast cancer and my friend Cathy that's in the hospital with cancer.

Deborah M. • Posted on 9/20/2018 • Praise

I want to post my Praise Report, Thank you Jesus!!! Hallelujah!!! God is soooooooo very good! I woke up Thursday and those legions from the shingles were dried up!!! Hallelujah!!! thank you Jesus!!! Thank you so much for your prayers!!! I love you, I love JCFANS and I love God's Girls!!!