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Prayer Requests

Deleted User • Posted on 12/3/2014 • General

Pray for Josh's teammate Adro. They say he needs surgery on both shoulders. Also pray for team as travel to Boise this weekend.

Prayer Answered!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014: Pray for Sis Fannie. She took a terrible fall in a store and is a great deal of pain. Ask Jesus to touch her body and make her whole again.

Deleted User • Posted on 12/3/2014 • General

Pray for Karlita. She had a problem with her appendix

Answer to Prayer

Deleted User • Posted on 12/3/2014 • General

Please pray for Josh's roommates mom. She has final stage cancer. Pray that Jesus will heal and bring true salvation. Pray for her husband and 7 children. Her name is Nancy Connette and her son is Brandon.

Answer to Prayer

Jcfans .. • Posted on 12/2/2014 • General

Prayer request from 1st lady Esther from Morgan Hill

Sister Helen had triple bypass today she is out now and in intensive care. Dr .said all went well , but her lungs are weak. Thank you for prayers.

Marjorie G. • Posted on 12/2/2014 • General

Please prayer for my nephew Herman that the issues involving his business are resolved. In Jesus name. Thank you.

Toni D. • Posted on 12/2/2014 • Love

Eve D.
My friend Margarita is going through a tough time in her life. Please pray that she and her whole family finds Jesus and that her mother is helpful when her daughter needs it.

Juanita A. • Posted on 12/1/2014 • Marriage

Hello! Please pray for my marriage to be healed. My husband left me because he says he's not happy. I believe God will heal our marriage. Please pray for my marriage and Nicolas, my husband. Thank you! PTL!

Toni D. • Posted on 12/1/2014 • Praise

Thank you saints for your prayers for Carol Sweet! She is back on her feet! No more pancreatitis or lyme disease or any residual symptoms! Thank you Jesus!!!

Prayer Answered!

Monday, December 1, 2014: Lord Jesus, will finish the work that He has started!... saints pls keep Carol lifted up before our God

Felicia W. • Posted on 11/28/2014 • General

Please pray for a friend of mine's younger brother, Dominique Shanteau, who is in the hospital for severe head trauma and seizures. The doctors don't understand whats going on.

Thank You

Anonymous • Posted on 11/25/2014 • General

Also please pray that this Ministry receive the help and finances that it needs to purchase their own facility.