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Prayer Requests

Barbara C. • Posted on 8/14/2018 • General

Cedric buried his wife of 20+ yrs 6 months ago. Last week he burried his only daughter.

Tracy B. • Posted on 8/9/2018 • Crisis

Sis Carnell is requesting prayer for her family over her grandson and his mother for wisdom, peace and healing.

Barbara C. • Posted on 8/8/2018 • General

Bartola Marquez diagnosed with lung cancer

Karen D. • Posted on 8/7/2018 • General

Pray for the Fortune family as they go on vacation. Bless the airplane and the cruise ship as they travel to Disney World and the Disney cruise. Praying for safe travel.

Tracy B. • Posted on 8/7/2018 • General

Pray for Paul and his study over is salvation; pray for the restoration and salvation of my family.

Barbara C. • Posted on 8/5/2018 • General

Tim is recovering from a stroke. He is having trouble with his speach & focussing.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 8/1/2018 • General

Prayer Request from Sis. Lynette:

My niece Ruby's is having surgery next week to remove her kidney with the cancer on it. Please keep her in Prayer ð??ð?½ Miracles still happens in Jesus Name..Thanks

Lajuanna B. • Posted on 7/30/2018 • General

Please pray for Corrie Sampson (and her family) her daughter passed away Saturday.

Anonymous • Posted on 7/22/2018 • Miscellaneous

Please pray that I’m allowed to stay in my current apartment complex 🙏🏻ðŸ'•

Chucky C. • Posted on 7/22/2018 • General

Praise the Lord, Hallelujah! Please pray that I am able to keep a persistent income and that I become closer to the Lord. Also keep my family in prayer. I fall short but I keep on praising God and pressing forward. I thank God for loving me inspite of me. I need a good wife. I pray that the Lord increases my territory. Please agree with me in prayer. Pray for my Mama and entire family. Thank you all very much! I am weak but he is strong. Jesus I love you!