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Prayer Requests

Karen D. • Posted on 11/25/2018 • General

Pray for the Hudson family, Simone asked for prayer and for her Mom Sister Bessie Paris.

Karen D. • Posted on 11/25/2018 • General

Pray for Diane Gardner who is having open heart surgery on Dec 3 2018.

Maurice D. • Posted on 11/25/2018 • General

From Eve:
Please pray for my friend's friend - she was just in a car accident (hit a tree and split it) - she's now in Trauma Unit w/multiple injuries and brain swelling and she's semi-responsive. Thank you!

Prayer Answered!

Monday, December 3, 2018: Thank you for praying. She is responsive. She was able to go into surgery for examination. Thanking Jesus for complete healing!

Tracy B. • Posted on 11/25/2018 • Crisis

My childhood friend Jill Gren Fletcher is needing prayer. Has condition called IHH that keeps requiring brain and spinal surgeries. She is a believer and grateful God has spared her from death again and now out of hospital post brain surgery.

Chucky C. • Posted on 11/20/2018 • General

Please pray for me to find another job asap. Also pray for my family and my finances es. Thank You!

Toni D. • Posted on 11/20/2018 • General

Pray with me for

* my Daddy - who just got out of the hospital - for overall health and that he would submit to God in his heart!!

* my friends Farwells - Dad was just released from ER (we just prayed for Mom, who had surgery and it turned out The Best Case Scenario as Drs put it)

Pls pray against diabetes, glaucoma, pancreatitis, cancer, endometriosis, fibromyalgia - Thank you!

Barbara C. • Posted on 11/17/2018 • General

Nicole is depressed and has turned to alcohol.

Barbara C. • Posted on 11/17/2018 • General

God took Tammy home today. Pray comfort, peace and restoration within the family.

Karen D. • Posted on 11/12/2018 • General

Please pray for Eugene's Mother for healing. Pray for Andrew Rodriguez who is suffering liver and kidney failure and is in the hospital.

Tracy B. • Posted on 11/12/2018 • General

Pray for Helen in Atlanta Ga who is having health issues. Her daughter Rhonda is traveling there for care.