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Prayer Requests

Marjorie G. • Posted on 3/19/2014 • General

I am requesting that my JC family lift LaTisha in prayer and ask The Lord will guide her through this difficult time in her life. In Jesus name I Pray,

Lisa P. • Posted on 3/15/2014 • General

Praises to our Lord and Savour Yeshua. I'm requesting prayer for me and my family.

I recently lost my job and am seeking employment.

Please pray with us that God will have favor on our family, that all of our need will be met and that the anxiety I have been experiencing will flee my body.

Thank you Father, in Yeshua's name. Amen.

Sharon C. • Posted on 3/13/2014 • Crisis

Please Pray for a Family of Siblings that I grew up with that have already lost their Parents but on yesterday Wednesday morning during a routine surgery they lost their Brother Paulus(he was a twin). The Siblings and His Children whom lost their Mom within the last 3yrs are very distraught,it is also hitting those of us that grew up with them pretty hard too. The siblings names are Anna,Denise,and Paul the twin who was with him at the hospital when it happened. Please Pray for Comfort and Strength and that they will trust in God to get them through this In JESUS Name

Marjorie G. • Posted on 3/12/2014 • General

My 3 red old nephew had his 3rd kidney surgery today. Please prayer for healing for his healing. Please lift me in prayer. Thank you Jesus.

Jcfans .. • Posted on 3/12/2014 • General

prayer request from Mother Gardner

prayer for Carrie, drs have found cancer

Jcfans .. • Posted on 3/12/2014 • General

prayer request from Diane Rutledge

prayer for Nicky, the dr has found cancer,

Delia S. • Posted on 3/11/2014 • Love

Father, God I humbly seek you online as I was told to come to this place to seek direction and divine intervention for a place of worship. I was under the leadership of Bishop G.E Patterson until he passed away. My mother and my mother in law passed not long afterwards. I found myself in a corner of the house grieving and now I am better but sometime retreat back to that place of loneliness. I am saved. I am the worker in the field spreading the good news of God and I believe he loves me but does anyone else? I am one with God being that he lives in me but I need more. I pray and fast. I am truly blessed but sometimes I need a touch, a miracle, a act of love as I give to others to be done unto me. Change is inevitable in my life and I accept this with a joyful heart, yet my heart yearns for companionship with a honest and loyal heart. Thank you for Denise Matthews and bless her for introducing me to this ministry and protect and keep her in Jesus name. I don't want to continue living life alone, yet I must discern the spirit and watch those who are around me. I know God ! He is a miracle worker ! Thank you for your prayers and may the Lord bless you and your entire family in Jesus name.

JCFANS P. • Posted on 3/9/2014 • General

Request from Pastor Roxane:

Please pray for Ms. Mosley, Janice's mom. She fell and broke her hip. She is having surgery tomorrow. Also, her sister Beverly she fell and broke her ankle and has surgery on Monday. Also please continue to pray for all their salvation, especially Sheree and Tausha.

Michael C. • Posted on 3/7/2014 • General

Hi you guys,please pray for my wife.She is having a hard time in the school system,battling the behavior of the kids.She is saved,but need strength.Also pray for the leadership in the school.

Karen D. • Posted on 3/4/2014 • General

Please pray for Marrissa Alexander in Florida who got life in prison for firing a warning shot to stop a abusive husband? Please let's keep her in prayer that this action will be changed and she can go home to her children!